La et smil vandre 😊



Smiling is infectious
you catch it like the flue

When someone smiled at me today
i started smiling too

I walked around the corner
and someone saw me grin

When he smiled i realised
i had passed it on to him

I thougth about the smile
and then realised its worth

A single smile like mine
could travel round the earth

So if you feel a smile begin
don’t leave it undetected

Start an epidemic
and get the wold infected


av Spike Milligan 


Et lite sitat på lørdagskvelden

Heisann og god kveld!

Et lite sitat med store ord, som det er verdt å tenke litt på.

Just breathe

#quote #visdomsord #puste #blogg

Viste du at…



#visdomsord #vistedudet #blogg